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BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
1st Antarctica InBev-Baillet Latour Fellowship Award

The InBev-Baillet Latour Fund and the International Polar Foundation have joined together to offer a 150 000€ scientific grant for studying climate and environmental change in Antarctica.

The Antarctica InBev-Baillet Latour Fellowship Award will be awarded every two years to a project carried out as part of a doctorate or post-doctorate degree in a Belgian university. While the research subject to be carried out in Antarctica is set up by the organisers, candidates may freely choose the discipline and domain of his/her research.

The beneficiary of this award will be able to carry out his/her research from the new Belgian polar base in Antarctica, the Princess Elisabeth station.

As many uncertainties remain around the understanding of climatechange, it has become imperative for the scientific community to pursueresearch to clarify, verify and confirm hypotheses. The IPF and theInbev-Baillet Latour Fund are therefore seeking to enhance theknowledge and information that polar research has already built up inthe field of climate change.

A first selection of 10 project applications has already been done in May to be submitted to the Jury in June. The official award ceremony will take place in September.

For more information, read the full press release, available in French, Dutch and English.
