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Alain Hubert at OECD Forum 2008
Alain Hubert at OECD Forum 2008

Present at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum 2008, Alain Hubert, Founding President of the International Polar Foundation (IPF), opened a keynote session with a speech entitled "On Ice, Bears and Markets in the Silicon Age".

Before a large audience of government leaders, OECD experts andrepresentatives from companies, media and the civil society, AlainHubert's speech brought together polar science, global climate history,and the need for immediate action in "Meeting the Climate Challenge"(read his speech in attachment).

"As polar research has contributed to the understanding of past climates and our influence on them, it contributes to how we might predict future climates."

The OECD Forum provides an enhanced dialogue on global economic issuesin view of establishing common grounds for co-operation among allstakeholders. At the centre of crucial discussions, the OECD Forumserves as a platform for discussion on the most pressing policychallenges of our time.
