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Alain Hubert, Presiding Judge at the “Prix Terre d’Avenir”
Alain Hubert, Presiding Judge at the “Prix Terre d’Avenir”

On October 5th, the Reine Paola Foundation, in collaboration with the Dirk Frimout Foundation, awarded its Terre d’Avenir Prize at the Belgian Royal Palace.

Each year, the Prize rewards the projects that best promote scientific innovation in Environment, Earth, or Space related fields. 

This wonderful initiative, aimed at high school students, emphasises the importance of technical and scientific knowledge for our future generations. These young students have been given a platform to present their projects, expressing their creativity from a scientific, technical, and ecological point of view.

The award beneficiaries have been selected by three juries (one per linguistic community) composed of eminent personalities from the scientific, business, and academic fields. The jury for the French-speaking community was presided over by the International Polar Foundation President and Founder Alain Hubert.

A true inspiration for younger generations, Alain Hubert offered a speech focusing on the future of younger generations and the importance of environmental and climate change awareness.

This year, the first prize has been awarded to students from the Ecole Provinciale d'Agronomie et des Sciences (Ciney); the Robert-Schuman-Institut (Eupen); and the Vrij Technisch Instituut Sint-Lucas (Menin).
