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Arctic Shorts Film Evening Returns for Second Edition
Arctic Shorts Film Evening Returns for Second Edition

The International Polar Foundation and its Arctic Futures partners are pleased to invite you all to the second annual Arctic Shorts Film evening. The Arctic Shorts night aims to repeat the great success of last-year’s first edition in raising awareness about the Arctic to the general public.

Where and When?

The event will take place on Monday 18 November in Salle M at Brussels' BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, located at Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels. Doors will open at 19.30 and the event will start at 20.00.


The second annual Arctic Shorts film evening is an official side event of this year's Arctic Futures Symposium, organised in cooperation with the Mission of Canada to the EU and many Arctic stakeholder partners. The event also forms part of the BOZAR Nordic Fall programme of events.

Seven films have been chosen from across the Arctic region to explore the fascinating traditions, the cultures, the music and art which make the Arctic one of the most captivating places on Earth. The seven films do not forget to acknowledge the difficulties and the environmental, as well as social and economic, challenges which affect the communities of the Polar regions.

To discover more about the list of the films and the filmmakers who will take part to the panel discussion at the end of the projection, please consult the Arctic Futures Symposium website.

There will also be a Q&A with a few of the filmmakers at the conclusion of the event.


Everyone who is interested in attending the screening are required to register via the Eventbrite link created for the event. The Arctic Shorts night is free of charge but please, keep in mind that seats will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Please contact us at should you have any questions about the event.
