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Belgian Energy and Environment Awards celebrates its 10th year!
Belgian Energy and Environment Awards celebrates its 10th year!

To mark UN World Environment Day in June each year, the Belgian Energy and Environment Awards are presented to Belgian citizens who have undertaken outstanding initiatives on environmental protection and promoting sustainable energy use. This year, the awards ceremony will celebrate its 10th edition!

An award to honour sustainable development

Since its first edition, the awards have honoured more than 1,800 initiatives that have contributed to building a sustainable future at the local, regional or national level.

As an organisation that actively promotes informed action on climate change and the development of a sustainable society, the International Polar Foundation has been an enthusiastic partner of the Belgian Energy and Environment Awards since the very beginning.

Like last year, eight awards will be presented to individuals and organisations that promote forward-looking initiatives in sustainable development.

Think you’re eligible for an Energy and Environment Award?

Do you think the work you or someone you know has done for sustainable development is worthy of recognition on a national level?

Citizens young and old, companies, associations, schools, universities, cities, municipalities...pretty much any person or organistion who has made significant contributions to sustainable development are all eligible to receive the prize.

If you think that you or an organisation you work for is eligible to receive a 2015 Energy and Environment Award, we would love to hear from you. All you need to do is fill out an application form online before April 1st.

Who knows? Maybe you or your organisation will be one of the eight laureates this coming June!
