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First News from the IPY Oslo Science Conference
First News from the IPY Oslo Science Conference

Approximately 260 polar teachers and early career scientists from all over the world have gathered at Oslo prior to the PolarTEACHERS conference and APECS workshop to break the ice. Spirits were high as the guests were taken to the home of polar explorer Roald Amundsen to attend a dinner celebrating the 100th anniversary of Amundsen’s departure for the South Pole.

While Sandra Vanhove and Jean de Pomereu took part in the IPY Legacy of Education and Outreach on Wednesday morning, Mieke Sterken presented her study “Holocene Glacial and Climate History in the Northeastern Antarctic Peninsula” in the afternoon.

Next in line for the IPF will be Joseph Cheek presenting the coverage of the Princess Elisabeth Station during the session “Global Learning: The Impact of the Media'” scheduled on Friday 11 June AM.

We will of course do a full report of the activities once everyone's back from Oslo, but in the meantime, those looking for fresh news can check out the news on the Oslo Science Conference website.
