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The Ice Cube is Taking Shape for the Shanghai World Expo 2010
The Ice Cube is Taking Shape for the Shanghai World Expo 2010

Just a quick Monday news to tell you that we are thrilled to see that the Ice Cube structure is currently being built on the site of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo.

Project Manager Maria Millan (Atelier Brückner) is currently supervizing the construction of the Ice Cube shell and the realisation of the scale models for both the Polaris Climate Change Observatory and the Princess Elisabeth Station. The whole IPF team is quite happy to receive these pictures showing that the project is progressing at a rapid pace. We have all put a lot of efforts into this and it is nice to see them pay off.

We hope to be able to post a picture gallery and more updates as soon as possible. Meanwhile, many thanks to the whole project team and to all our partners.
