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IPF Welder Baptiste Verdin helps Paula Lampreapineda for PASPARTOUT project
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Scientific Projects
IPF Welder Baptiste Verdin helps Paula Lampreapineda install a VOC sampler
IPF welder and construction worker Baptiste Verdin assists Lampreapineda from Ghent University, who is in Antarctica working on the BELSPO-funded PASPARTOUT project, install a new volitile organic coumpound (VOC) sampler on the ro...
Paula Lampreapineda works on VOC sampler in PEA workshop
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Scientific Projects
Paula Lampreapineda from UGent works on VOC sampler in PEA workshop
Ghent University researcher Paula Lampreapineda works on a new and improved version of the volatile organic compound autosampler in PEA's garage for the BELSPO-sponsored PASPARTOUT project.
Björn Tytgat from UGent adjusts a snow fence
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Scientific Projects
Björn Tytgat from UGent adjusts a snow fence
Björn Tytgat from Ghent University adjusts the snow fence in the specially protected area where the BELSPO-funded EXPOSOILS project is examining how microbial communities might change as the climate warms.
Quentin Vanhellemont from the RBINS sampling microbes
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Field Expedition
Quentin Vanhellemont from the RBINS sampling microbes
Quentin Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) samples microbes in a dry valley not far from the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica for the BELSPO-funded EXPOSOILS project.
Open top chamber covered in snow
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Scientific Projects
Open top chamber covered in snow
An open top chamber used in the BELSPO-financed EXPOSOILS project, which is looking at how climate change is affecting microbial communities in specially protected areas not far from the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica. Open top cha...
Sampling microbes from an open top chamber
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Scientific Projects
Sampling microbes from an open top chamber
Quentin Vanhellemont from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) samples microbes from inside an open top chamber, which raises temperatures compared to the outside in order to mimic climate change fo the EXPOSOIL...
Heading back to PEA
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Logistics & Infrastructure for BELARE
Time to head back to PEA
With unloading of the cargo ship complete, it's time for the convoy to head back to PEA with all the equipment and supplies that have just arrived.
Bad weather on traverse
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Logistics & Infrastructure for BELARE
Encountering bad weather
Alain Hubert and the logistics team ran into some bad weather on the way back from unloading the cargo ship at the coast, forcing them to overnight 128 km from PEA. You can never tell how the weather will be in Antarctica, and saf...
Experience unloading
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Logistics & Infrastructure for BELARE
Years of experience come in handy
The years of experience the IPF has gained handling logistics in Antarctica helps make the unloading of the ship go quickly and smoothly.