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Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
Setting up camp
The first thing which had to be done after the team members had arrived at Utsteinen was the setting up of base camp. And the first tents to be mounted were the "mess" and "office" tents, the two most important rooms of the entire...
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
Covered in Snow and Digging Ourselves Out
Upon their arrival at Utsteinen, the members of BELARE 2008-2009 found the entrance to the garage covered by huge piles of snow. The same was true for everything else left outside from last year's expedition. The snow in front of ...
Zero Emission Target Philosophy
Arrival at Utsteinen
The BELARE 2008-2009 expedition has now truly begun. The footage in this short movie was filmed upon arriving at Utsteinen. Alain Hubert opens the station's front door for the first time in eight months. In his speech, Alain reite...
Zero Emission Target Philosophy
Princess Elisabeth Station Mock-Up: Assembling the Ventilation System
A scaled mock-up of the Princess Elisabeth station's technical core was built at Laborelec (research centre of the group GDF SUEZ) in Linkebeek. For the past three and a half months, the technical systems allowing the station to r...
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
Hauling the Equipment in From the Coast
The equipment load necessary to build the station was carried to the base camp, over almost 200 km, using three "Prinoth" tractors and eight sledges. In total, it took the team 18 traverses and over 700 hours to haul all of the co...
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
Night Has Returned
This time, it's for good: night time has returned. When the sun dissapears,the moon comes out to follow the Prinoth convoy returning from the coast. Here is a short movie giving you an idea of what it all lookslike.
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
Life at Base Camp: The Kitchen
The main role of the Utsteinen cooks is to feed the troops and motivate them to work. It is important that the cooks are prepared and on time, but above all the cooks need to make sure that everyone uses the down time they spend i...
20 min - 5.42 MB
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