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Zero Emission Target Philosophy
First Drone Flight after Arriving at PEA, November 6, 2023
Drone footage of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica as the BELARE team arrives to open the station on November 6th, 2023
Zero Emission Target Philosophy
IPF at Arctic Circle Assembly 2023
The International Polar Foundation had a very strong presence at the 10th edition of the annual Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland last week. Representatives from IPF managed a booth and participated in a number of panel...
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
PEA Skycam captures sun’s movement
During the austral summer, the sun never sets at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica. Here you can see the sun turn around the sky over five days, never setting.
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station
December 2022 summer storm
A strong storm comes to the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica in December 2022.
Special Event
AFS 2022 (pt10) - Arctic Innovation + Closing Remarks
ARCTIC INNOVATION INTRODUCTIONS: Nicolas van Hoecke (Managing Director, The International Polar Foundation) MODERATOR: Mads Qvist Frederiksen (Executive Director, Arctic Economic Council) SPEAKERS: Moa Johansson (CEO, Containing G...
Special Event
AFS 2022 (pt9) - The Arctic: An Attractive Place to Live and Work
THE ARCTIC: AN ATTRACTIVE PLACE TO LIVE AND WORK INTRODUCTIONS: Nicolas van Hoecke (Managing Director, The International Polar Foundation) MODERATOR: Patti Bruns (Secretary-General, Arctic Mayors Forum) SPEAKERS: Pita Aatami (Pres...
Special Event
AFS 2022 (pt8) - Arctic Energy and Resource Security
ARCTIC ENERGY AND RESOURCE SECURITY INTRODUCTIONS: Nicolas van Hoecke (Managing Director, The International Polar Foundation) MODERATOR: Greg Poelzer (Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan...
Special Event
AFS 2022 (pt7) - Laurence Tran Arctic Futures Award
LAURENCE TRAN ARCTIC FUTURES AWARD GIVING OUT THE AWARD: Nicolas van Hoecke (Managing Director, The International Polar Foundation) Mads Qvist Frederiksen (Executive Director, Arctic Economic Council) WINNER: Containing Greens AB ...
Special Event
AFS 2022 (pt6) - Arctic Research Cooperation in the Current Geopolitical Situation...and Beyond
ARCTIC RESEARCH COOPERATION IN THE CURRENT GEOPOLITICAL SITUATION... AND BEYOND INTRODUCTIONS: Nicolas van Hoecke (Managing Director, The International Polar Foundation) MODERATOR: Johanna Ikävalko (Director, Arctic Centre, Univer...