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Brussels welcomes Arctic stakeholders yet again

For the the 8th year in a row, the International Polar Foundation, along with its many partners, are proud to host the next annual Arctic Futures Symposium in Brussels on Monday November 20th, at the Residence Palace in Brussels' EU Quarter.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica: embracing change

The long and difficult chapter concerning the dispute over the management and operation of Princess Elisabeth Station research station has come to a close, or one might say, has turned a page. Zuhal Demir, Belgian Federal Secretary of State for Science Policy and Alain Hubert, Founder and President of the International Polar Foundation (IPF), shook hands on a new agreement to reset PEA on a positive course for collaborative international scientific research on the icy continent.

Princess Elisabeth Antarctica: embracing change

KREATIVA (Morlanwelz) wins the prestigious 2017 Belgian Energy and Environment Award for its project "Growing together through the social dimension of development"

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Looking back on Lori’s 1st field season in Antarctica

Dr. Lori Ziolkowski takes a look back on her first field season at the Princess Elizabeth Antarctic Research Station and the small life forms that manage to survive around it

Dr. Lori Ziolkowski Awarded 2016 Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship

Canadian research scientist Dr. Lori Ziolkowski has been awarded the Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship for 2016-18 for her research project "REMACA"

Keeping up momentum in Marrakesh: climate change COP22

The 2016 annual UN Framework Convention on Climate Change conference “COP22” started only a few days after the Paris Agreement, the international agreement which aims to keep global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the rise to 1.5 degrees, entered into force. At the time of writing in mid-November, 112 out of 197 countries, including the USA, China, India and the European Union, have ratified this agreement.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Fellowship opportunity for field research in Antarctica

Young polar scientists were invited to submit their application for the 2016 - 2018 Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship by 15 September 2016.

Brussels Court of Appeal Rules in Favour of Alain Hubert and International Polar Foundation

The conflict over the management of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station in East Antarctica between the International Polar Foundation and the Belgian State has attracted much attention in the national press over the past few months, and has even received some attention in the international press.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Brussels Court of Appeal Ruling in Favour of Alain Hubert and IPF Paves Way for Return to Antarctica

With the conflict over the management of the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station in East Antarctica between the International Polar Foundation and the Belgian State has attracted much attention in the national press over the past few months, and has even received some attention in the international press.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
Sixth Annual Arctic Futures Symposium “Best Yet”

Arctic stakeholders gathered in Brussels on Tuesday 17 November and Wednesday 18 November as the International Polar Foundation and a large family of partners held the sixth annual Arctic Futures Symposium at the Residence Palace in Brussels.