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Globe Lines
BELARE 2007-2008: Waiting for Better Weather

The C-shaped wooden side beams have now all been mounted. Next step involves tackling the exterior metal panels, as soon as the weather permits to do so.

BELARE 2007-2008: The Team Earns a Sleep In for Fast Progress

The building team spent just 5 days building the station's floor. That's roughly 500 m² of pine wood resting upon the metal struts. This rigid progress puts the building team a few days ahead of schedule! Progress has been such that the building team earned a day's rest over the week-end.

BELARE 2007-2008: Flooring Goes On

The building team spent just 5 days building the station's floor. That's roughly 500 m² of pine wood resting upon the metal struts. This rigid progress puts the building team a few days ahead of schedule! Progress has been such that the building team earned a day's rest over the week-end.

BELARE 2007-2008: The Floor Goes In 

It is snowing lightly, the sky is overcast, but the sun still pierces through the clouds. A fresh breeze rises now and then upon the Utsteinen ridge, cooling any extremity that has not been covered. It is -12°C, but who knows what the wind chill is.

BELARE 2007-2008: Reaching for the Sky

Building on site continues, no matter what the weather is like. When one activity slows down, another one picks up speed. There are always more than 20 people working up on the ridge and round abouts, and 6 who are out on a traverse between Utsteinen and Crown Bay. More than half the containers are now in Utsteinen.

BELARE 2007-2008: Cold Winds, Chilly Tents

Since the metal struts have been mounted on the Utsteinen ridge, work on the station has been advancing fast. Neither the weather nor the hard physical work has slowed the workmen down.

Early Recognition of the Station’s Structure

The Station's metal struts have emerged from the Utsteinen rock in just 3 days. With only two struts left to place, the early stages of the station's pre-construction in Brussels are now fully recognizable.

BELARE / Princess Elisabeth Antarctica
BELARE 2007-2008: Mounting the Metal Structure

Seven people have left on another traverse. The rest of the team is either working on the ridge, filming those working on the ridge, building new bathroom facilities or cooking away to feed the team.

Building Team Arrived in Utsteinen

Seventeen new team members arrived on site yesterday, Sunday January 6th. The building of the station starts today.

BELARE 2007-2008: “The Nieuwe Blanc”

The Utsteinen crew had a costume party on New Year's Eve. Everyone took part in the fun.